Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today I made a choice

I have been sitting here thinking of the lottery.

There was a time last year where I knew that I would win the lottery. I even was able to believe it so much so that the same day three of my numbers that I played were drawn.

Today I am ready. About a week ago I wrote that I would win the lottery on Wednesday June 16, 2010. I am a week away from my goal. I know that I will win the Powerball Jackpot after my numbers are called...7-20-5-22-3 and the powerball 12.

I just created this blog to re-enforce my actions. It may happen this week but for sure it will happen on June 16, 2010!

This is how it will happen,

I will meditate on my numbers and pray about them EVERY morning, EVERY afternoon, and EVERY night before sleeping.

I will allow only HAPPINESS, JOY, and LAUGHTER inside of me.

I will think of my numbers EVERY time something negative attempts to materialize in my mind.
I have a goal and these are the quickest ways I will obtain it.

I will detach from the outcome and be OK if the win does not happen, but it will. :)

I will also write daily after my meditations. I will write my numbers on my computer screen, I will write my numbers physically at least 3 times a day.

I will add pictures here for my dream board of my lottery win. The first car that I will buy, the first house that I will buy.
Trips, shopping, vacations. Plane rides and etc.

They will include the things that I have actually felt, touched or experienced to help add to the having it now feeling.

I have been blessed with experiencing a lot thus far in life, I have worked for the most prestigious hotel.

I have been in some of the most expensive vehicles. I have seen first hand some of the worlds most luxurious vehicles and the most expensive.

I have met some of the world wealthiest people.

Now is the time to flip the script.

I have picked my house, my first vehicle, and some of my furniture a year ago. :)

This is it, this is the BIG one!